Fluid Collection
Drainage | Leak Detection | Venting
Varicore Technologies is the manufacturer of Multi-Flow Drainage Systems. With over 20 years in production and over tens of million feet produced, have excellent track record in specialized-drainage industry.
Plastic processing and QC equipment
Varicore Technologies has manufactured the Lo-Tes brand of pipe crush-testing equipment for nearly 3 decades. When it comes to QC and compliance testing, our machines are durable, practical, precise and cost-effective… the best of all worlds.
Design assistance for engineering solutions
DrainSite aims to industry professionals plan the projects by specifically focusing on design/planning aspect of drainage, stormwater and venting in wide array of project types and applications.
Our Brands
Multi-Flow LDVS
Multi-Flow LDVS system by Varicore Technologies is an innovative and cost effective system designed to protect synthetic liners from damage caused by soil gas and water accumulation. Providing gas venting, drainage, and leak detection in one system is an efficient and cost effective preventative measure that should be considered on every project utilizing a synthetic liner. The LDVS utilizes components from the proven Multi-Flow Drainage System, which has been the choice of industry professionals for decades, as the standard in specialty drainage. This system’s documented strength, capacity, and longevity make it a logical choice for almost any synthetic liner application.
The civil construction industry to heavy industry, recreational and agricultural markets – Multi-Flow’s enclosed core design is responsible for many millions of feet of subsurface drainage installed over the course of 20 years. In addition to drainage, Multi-Flow solves many gas collecting and gas venting problems by providing liner leak detection and gas venting.

Reach Us
Manufacturing Facility:
15 6th St
Prinsburg, MN 56281
Multi-Flow and Multi-Flow LDVS are property of Varicore Technologies, Inc.
The information contained on this site, including technical drawings, illustrations, pictures, diagrams, etc., are for recommendation only.
It is sole responsibility of determine correct suitability and usage of materials on project.
Web Site Design & Development by Gilmour Creative.